Tuesday, 8 October 2013


So this is just a quick note to let you all know that I'm still kicking. I've been scarce around the blog of late, obviously, but it's just as well because the amount of schoolwork this year? It makes first year look like a pile of unicorns and rainbows.

After all, this year I am taking my capstone course--pretty much, the most vital course--for my Honours Major in English Literature. Which is insanity, because most capstone courses for other programs don't come until third or fourth year. Which means I sometimes have up to 200 pages of reading for one class--and I have this class twice a week. And on top of that, I have four other courses, each with their own workload, plus I work three times a week in the early mornings. And for those who know me, they know I'm no morning person, lol.

So suffice to say, I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving this week (Canada gets it earlier, yay!)

But all this schoolwork means my writing has dwindled. Two of the projects I hoped to see completed for Anne Elisabeth Stengl's Cinderella contest will not see fruition. Yet, never fear! One has risen to take their place. I will keep quiet about it for now, except to offer a few hints: Esther. Israelite Captivity. Persia. All these offer their influences to the story, now titled: The Story Told For Stars. I hope to tell you more about it as I progress, and hopefully finish.

So that's a bit about what I've been up to. How have you all been, blogger friends?